Case Studies

Helping clients achieve their goals through successful strategies and projects is the highest outcome of our work. We’re proud to share their amazing stories.


Partnerships that pave the way for exponential growth

When one of the world’s leading aerospace companies identified an Oregon town as a prime location for economic growth and innovation, it took thoughtful planning and strategic partnerships to bring the ambitious vision to life. A. Hart Associates directed Oregon Manufacturing Innovation Center’s launch, forming public/private partnerships that resulted in an initial group of ten key stakeholders. The efforts and intention at the outset continue to yield incredible results as the organization has grown to include more than 32 partners and raise $80 million in public and private funding.


Spurring economic growth for Columbia County through tourism

A. Hart Associates worked with diverse stakeholders to form the Columbia County Tourism Initiative, helping the group articulate its vision and mission, identify priorities, and establish a strategic plan. Alison authored The Destination Development Plan, a roadmap for tourism development that will serve the county for years to come. Within the first year of the initiative, Columbia County received an $85,000 grant for tourism development.


Protecting small businesses with efficient distribution of emergency funds

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown businesses into a tailspin across our state and our nation. Quick access to emergency grant funding can mean the difference between survival or failure, but many areas are mired in inefficiencies, unclear communication, and lack of coordination, slowing the distribution of critical funds. By partnering with A. Hart Associates, Gilliam County was able to launch their grant program and distribute $94,000 in just four weeks, providing critical funding to businesses in record time.


Aligning diverse stakeholders through an inclusive strategic planning process

The Oregon Small Business Development Center Network represents 19 centers from urban and rural parts of the state and coordinates with major stakeholders including Business Oregon and the Small Business Administration. A. Hart Associates has now worked with this group through two Strategic Planning cycles, facilitating alignment across their large and diverse stakeholder group, ensuring inclusivity, meeting accreditation standards, and addressing the needs of 19 centers across the state.

Hear what our clients have to say

We’re honored to share the feedback we’ve received from our amazing clients.

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